Page name: Kura's Color Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-03-06 00:03:13
Last author: Morningstar Rising
Owner: Kuramasgirl
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Kura's Color Contest


Let's see if we can start this contest up again. Not much has changed, but I think the hiatus has lasted long enough, don't you? Anyway, for those who are new, the whole idea of this contest is to create something according to a specific color that I will choose. Could be anything. Yellow, violet, aquamarine, lilac, crimson, black, etc. Anyway, it'll be some sort of color. Now for your part of the bargain. You have to draw or take a picture of something that is all or mostly that color. But remember, that color must be the focus of your art, whatever it may be. Oh, and make sure to read through all the rules and stuff carefully. Wouldn't want something lovely to be disqualified for a stupid reason, now would we?

So have fun! Get creative! And for goodness' sakes, follow these rules!:

1.) Do NOT steal artwork and then claim it as your own, putting it on this contest. You will be kicked out.
2.) Follow the Uploading Art Rules. It's just as simple as that.
3.) Follow the THEME of the contest. Anything that doesn't pertain to the contest will be disqualified.
4.) I will post the color of the month (or whatever time it takes to get enough entries) below this in big bold letters. If you can't see it, then I suggest an optometrist. :P
5.) There's a limit of three entries per person on any particular color.
6.) Please don't put "Vote for me!" in your mood. That irritates me a great deal, and you really do not want to irritate me. Read the next rule to find out why.
7.) There will be two winners: A People's Choice Winner and an Owner's Choice Winner. The People's Choice Winner is the entry that won the poll. An Owner's Choice Winner is the entry that I like best. Each person will receive a badge, which I have shown below the rules.
8.) Post your username and any other comment you'd like to make above your picture.
9.) Have fun! I don't want to make this too serious, because that would completely defeat my purpose ^_^;
10.) Click on the images to make them bigger and see them in all their amazingness!
11.) It is all right to have photographs, but make sure that they are not just colored over with the color of the contest. Any photo that's been colored in Photoshop or another art program so that it's the right color will be deleted.
12.) Questions? Ask me! I'm [Kuramasgirl] <3

Colors that have been used: blue, red, green, black, purple, orange, pink, yellow and grey, russet, white, teal, purple and green, gold, pearl, ROYGB(I)V, lavender, and turquoise.

To see a complete archive of all of the previous contest entries, go to The Contest's Color Archives!

The Color:


Deadline- Undetermined

Place entries below:

1. Escape from the silver cage- [Zab]


2. Silver In The Stardust - [Nioniel]

Silver In The Stardust Stock INFO

3. Black Silver Dapple Makes A Splash - [Nioniel]


4. Silver Lemurs - [pegasus1000]


5. Aodh To Silver - [moira hawthorne]


6.A Mixture Of Silver - [Morningstar Rising]



This page was a Featured Wiki!

Username (or number or email):


2008-08-20 [Kuramasgirl]: What a good link! I was wondering if there were any sites like that out there...Thank you, Anvikit. :)

Great entries so far, guys. :3

2008-08-20 [Future Dictator]: damn i dont think i will have time for this color :(

2008-08-20 [Kuramasgirl]: The deadline can easily be extended if too many people are having trouble getting pictures in by the 7th.

2008-08-20 [Future Dictator]: nah its cause i start school this week so i'll have 4 art studios to do hw for and no time for personal art

2008-08-20 [Cia_mar]: i want in... working on a piece as i type!

2008-08-20 [Cia_mar]: yea! all done

2008-08-20 [Jitter]: Kura, I will enter this please wait for me :3

2008-08-21 [Kuramasgirl]: Whatever you guys need. :3 If I get enough people who have stuff that can't be entered in time for various reasons (life stuff, working hard on it, etc.), then the deadline'll be extended. Just gotta let me know.

2008-08-22 [Lady Ice]: sorry i forgot to resize. dial up takes so long to load. There is no color enhancement in my entry. That is the natural color of the spring. Its super deep. they say that no one has ever found the bottom (I cant quite believe that though)

2008-08-22 [Iske]: [Lady Ice] that's a winner

2008-08-22 [AuroraLumos]: it's so pretty *stares for a while*

2008-08-22 [Lady Ice]: thanks

2008-08-22 [Akayume]: I think I actually might want to enter this. ^^'' I've been watching for a while, but I haven't had the courage to enter yet. DX

2008-08-22 [Kuramasgirl]: D: Enter! We don't bite, I promise! At least I hope we don't...Hm...

But you should really enter! I'd love to see some of your work here. :)

2008-08-22 [Feasting on Needles]: Lady Ice, you made it so tiny! :(

2008-08-23 [MisLuck]: Yriona, wonderful place! So beautiful!

2008-08-23 [Anvikit]: I have something to EnnntErrr! woot, got it done last night, but you all must wait in agonizing anticipation until after I get off of work tonight.. or maybe tomorrow.. cause I'm just evil like that MUhahahahaha!!!! .. er no.. but yeah I finished my entry so expect it to be up soon :)

2008-08-23 [Anvikit]: Okay got a few quick shots before work... My husband was leaving and needed to take the camera :P I'll hopefully get some better shots up soon.. Maybe outside with natural light since my background seems a bit too flash happy.. But anyways, Plush and paint on canvas.

Plush features a nice teal fleece fabric with tan printed cotton fabric accents, button eyes and belly button and some green embroidery details. Paint is acrylic and a gold shimmery acrylic :D Canvas is.. 6x12in I think..

2008-08-23 [moira hawthorne]: cute... but birds dont have bellybuttons since they are born from eggs

2008-08-23 [AuroraLumos]: cute! ^_^ I really like it :D

2008-08-23 [Anvikit]: hehe, good point Moira.. I guess it's just fun to add more buttons whereever I can :D Most of my plush things have buttons on their bellies.. I didn't even think of a bird not having one hehe!

2008-08-23 [moira hawthorne]: thats alright... while RP a drider I learnt spiders dont have junk

2008-08-24 [Kuramasgirl]: Have we had 3-D art before? I can't remember...But I like this! :D It's so cute! Good job, Anvikit!

2008-08-24 [arthemis_]: We have a 3D-art contest going on!

2008-08-25 [Lady Ice]: sorry, [Feasting on Needles] my camera has been acting up and only takes tiny pictures....

2008-08-25 [Feasting on Needles]: Maybe I can help. What kind of camera are you using?

2008-08-26 [Anvikit]: Yeah I plan on making something for the fairycrafting contest thing too :D.. sings "little bunny foo foo hopping through the forest, scooping up the feild mice and BOP!'n em on the head"

2008-08-26 [arthemis_]: Cool [Anvikit], did you see mine? According to a friend she seems dead, maybe just they way I want it hehe...

2008-08-29 [Anvikit]: *puts that page on watch* :D Very nice, well she was pretty much in a dead suspended animation state.. for however many years or so hehe.. I like her silk dress :D

Yeah, I've been trying to go all traditional and really push my limits, beyond paper and pencil.. see what grabs me hehe..

It's funny.. I hung my bird on my wall in my room .. and every time I carry my son past it he has to kiss it .. hehe it's so cute.. I think I'm gonna have to make some more birds :)

2008-08-29 [Jitter]: It's a very cute bird :)

2008-08-31 [Trina..]: Yeah the bird is really cute

2008-09-01 [Linderel]: Oh shite. I've an entry but I'm not sure if I'm going to get my hands on a scanner before the deadline ;_;

2008-09-01 [Kuramasgirl]: D: Oh no! When do you think you'll be able to get a scanner? I might be able to extend it, if it doesn't take too long. I'm a bit busy at the moment anyway, so I can't see a poll getting up too soon after the deadline.

2008-09-01 [Linderel]: I'll have to see whether I can find any scanners soonish... I know of one scanner at the uni but the class it's in requires a different user ID and password than what I have now. Doesn't make much sense, but yeah. Have to snoop around. <_<

2008-09-01 [Kuramasgirl]: You do that and get back to me. xD We'll see if we can work something out.

2008-09-01 [Linderel]: ...oh no wait a minute here :D
I'm going home on the weekend, there's a scanner! *facepalms* Of course when I made the initial comment I didn't know that yet, but yeah xD Problem solved :P

2008-09-01 [Kuramasgirl]: xD Yay. Glad to hear it.

2008-09-01 [Linderel]: Clearly, I am tired. :P

2008-09-04 [moira hawthorne]: welcome to the club

2008-09-05 [Trina..]: Where do I sign? XD

2008-09-05 [moira hawthorne]: anywhere you want... *hands you your club sandwich*
its 5:35 am... I havent slept yet... and I got to get up at 7am

2008-09-06 [Trina..]: Gah, I hate it when that happens,.

2008-09-06 [moira hawthorne]: at that point I decided it was better not to sleep at all... less than 2 hrs sleep is just teasin

2008-09-06 [Trina..]: Yeah it is. Rarely sleep anyways, so two hours is good for me. xD

2008-09-06 [moira hawthorne]: I usually get between 4 and 6... 6 begin sleepin in... 8 hrs is pure luxury! and very rare!

2008-09-08 [Trina..]: Hell yeah! I wish I got eight hours of sleep in a week.

2008-09-10 [SlightlySpiked]: is teal like...a lighter shade of turquiose??

2008-09-10 [Mom]: Teal I think has more green.

2008-09-10 [Atayemi]: Like a sea green maybe. :)

2008-09-10 [moira hawthorne]: like the owner put up a link to what she was lookin for...

2008-09-11 [5thwitch]: nooo i lost this one...

2008-09-13 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to close this thing, guys. High School is eating my soul at the moment. Any chance I get, though, I'll try and get things going to end this. Thanks for being so patient everyone.

2008-09-27 [SlightlySpiked]: are you a senoir n high school kura??

2008-09-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Heh, no. I'm a Junior. But most of my classes are with Seniors. :P

2008-09-28 [SlightlySpiked]: ahh, have fun while it lasts. DONT JOIN THE ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:131728_1138666879.gif><img:stuff/hall_gif.gif><img:stuff/mood18-gif.gif><img:stuff/sing.gif><img:stuff/oldman.png>

2008-09-28 [Kuramasgirl]: Wasn't planning on it. >__>

2008-10-11 [Yuriona]: Congrats to the winners! I love both of those entries! XD

2008-10-12 [arthemis_]: :D And what is the new color going to be? :D

2008-10-12 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm not sure just yet. >> I'm looking at , so if anyone sees a color there they like go ahead and suggest it. I've got a lot on my mind so it's hard for me to choose at this moment.

2008-10-12 [Jitter]: Golden& ruby (dark red)? :)

2008-10-12 [Kuramasgirl]: Oooh...Pretty colors. xD Would those be together, then? Sort of like the yellow/grey contest?

2008-10-12 [Jitter]: Well I had hard time choosing between the too and they go well together. :D My living room plays with those tones ^^

2008-10-12 [Kuramasgirl]: They do go very nicely together. Something about it, I suppose. I'll wait for other people to chime in their opinions before I make a decision, but thanks. :3

2008-10-13 [Anvikit]: :D Thank you much everyone! This was so much fun! So many pretty entries! .. What about Brown? Nice chocolaty, muddy, sticks and doody brown. :) .. or gold is pretty too shiney sparkly gold.

2008-10-13 [Cia_mar]: congrats

2008-10-13 [Jitter]: You're welcome! And grats to the winners :D

2008-10-13 [arthemis_]: Looking at that site: I like salmon or yellow/green :D or maroon!

2008-10-15 [Iske]: woops missed the voting

congrats to the winners

2008-10-17 [Lady Ice]: we did a red recently, didn't we?

2008-10-18 [Jitter]: It was number 2 so no. Not recently.

2008-10-18 [arthemis_]: Ehmm we can go to the jewel colors, just like they did with pokemon :D

2008-10-18 [Jitter]: Oooh Pearl!

2008-10-18 [Future Dictator]: silver!

2008-10-18 [Lady Ice]: I remember doing a marroon or burgandy recently, Jitter, Like two times ago.

2008-10-18 [Mom]: I like the idea of salmon....pretty color.(255 140 105)RGB

2008-10-18 [Kuramasgirl]: We've never done maroon or burgandy, Lady Ice. The colors we have done are up at the top, underneath the rules.

I kinda like the idea of the jewel colors...Like the Pearl or the Silver. >_> I'm not really sure what color pearl is, though. Silver might be nice. Or we could do other jewels/stones...

2008-10-19 [Jitter]: I meant this: but it might be difficult for photographers

I also like these three loads:
Peru 205 133 63
Chocolate 210 105 30
SaddleBrown 139 69 19

2008-10-19 [arthemis_]: hihi Pearl is indeed a complex color, not only for photographers I imagine. I mean... It's shiny :D

2008-10-19 [Jitter]: Yay for shiny!

2008-10-19 [Kuramasgirl]: Yes, I thought that might've been what you were talking about, Jitter. But it's a difficult color...I'll keep it in mind, all the same. That chocolate's a funny color. Definitely not what I was thinking when I saw chocolate. xD Ah well...
So I'm thinking either maroon, yellow/green, or silver for this one. >_>

2008-10-20 [Jitter]: SIlver :D

2008-10-21 [MisLuck]: Silver would be interesting. (Just to think of the amount of jewelrypictures! :D )
Plain grey would be interesting also, can't remember has it already been.

2008-10-21 [moira hawthorne]: white and gray has been done... silver is too similar as would be steel or aluminum... they are all shiney white grays

2008-10-21 [arthemis_]: I vote for Maroon!

2008-10-21 [moira hawthorne]: too bad we have done the Halloween colour already...
Tho maybe we should do a real ghastly goooooey fosphersent (sp is wrong I know) lime green

2008-10-21 [Anvikit]: could do a combo color set for halloween.. like Orange and black..

Or green and purple

2008-10-22 [Kuramasgirl]: The green and purple idea is an interesting one. o.o

2008-10-22 [Aradon Templar]: I think blue and orange make a good combination too, but we just did a teal, so hold off on that for now :P

2008-10-22 [Jitter]: Green and Purpleeee <3<3<3<3 My favourite combo :3

2008-10-22 [Future Dictator]: BLUE AND ORANGE WOOO SCHOOL COLORS

2008-10-22 [MisLuck]: Green and purple would be nice. Complete opposite colours doesen't invite that much. Usually they just irritate the eye and would be very easy and obvious choise.

2008-10-22 [arthemis_]: As long as it isn't black.... *refering to the marvel contest* ... Now to think of it... Black is also a nice color, difficult to work with I imagine.

What about Red/Yellow ?

2008-10-22 [moira hawthorne]: how bout a theme too? considering the season?

2008-10-22 [arthemis_]: There is already multiple halloween contests going on :) But maybe Santa/St.Nicolaas theme? :)

2008-10-22 [Anvikit]: Am I the only one who thinks it's waaaaay too early to even be thinking about Christmas??

2008-10-22 [moira hawthorne]: no.... I dont want snow1

2008-10-22 [Future Dictator]: :( it snowed today a little

2008-10-23 [arthemis_]: ha, we have like stores full of christmas decoration for like a whole month now :p My landlord have hanged the chrismas lights on the building already. But as they are still turned off I guess it was easy to put them there while they were painting the windowstills :p

2008-10-23 [moira hawthorne]: Halloween is my favorite Holiday! so I hate when christmas bullys in ahead of it

2008-10-23 [Cia_mar]: you'd hate it here moira, there is no halloween!

2008-10-23 [moira hawthorne]: I feel for you Jen

2008-10-23 [Cia_mar]: they have it sort of, but nothing

2008-10-25 [Kuramasgirl]: I absolutely positively refuse to do anything Christmasy before Thanksgiving. D: It's despicable. And I am not going to plow over Halloween as if it doesn't exist. It's my birthday. ;-; It should be honored.
Anywho, I'm liking the green and purple idea. They're Halloween-ish colors, but if you'd rather do something that doesn't relate to the holiday, than you'll have no problem there either. Do you think I should make them specific greens and purples or just say green and purple and be done with it? >>
Or do you think it's too late for a Halloween colored contest? D:

2008-10-25 [Zab]: Orange and black!

2008-10-25 [Aradon Templar]: :o I didn't notice until now, but you have the same birthday as my mom! (Oct. 31)

2008-10-25 [Triola]: It's never too late for a Halloween coloured contest!

2008-10-25 [Kuramasgirl]: Ooh, what fun. :3

I want purple and green. xD I'm tired of waiting. Let's see what happens, eh?

2008-10-25 [Anvikit]: :D Awesome sauce.. I'll be sure to try my damnedest to get something in for this :D

2008-10-26 [Jitter]: Awesome! <3

2008-10-27 [Cia_mar]: totally fav color combo!

2008-10-27 [arthemis_]: Inspirationnn!!! *come on... you can do it...*

2008-10-27 [moira hawthorne]: interestin iske

2008-10-27 [Kuramasgirl]: What an interesting piece, Iske! How exactly did you make it?

2008-10-28 [Iske]: Well... I used pieces off an old jeans and T shirt for the wings , body , grass and arms. Dipped in a fabric-hardner (Powertex fabric hardner)That makes the fabric stiff and you can model it anyway you like. WHen it is hardend out you can paint it. There are also products you can add to it so it can be placed outside and it will be waterresistant.I just painted it with acrylic....
I was playing around with fabric and paint but I did not know what color to give it.. and then [Kuramasgirl] came with the colors.. so ... Thx lol

2008-10-28 [Kuramasgirl]: Awesome. :D Very creative.

2008-10-28 [arthemis_]: Well I've done the lineart... now the color :D :D


2008-10-28 [Kuramasgirl]: xD You sound like me, arthemis.

2008-10-29 [Iske]: Go [arthemis_]... Go [arthemis_]  told you it would help
Paars groen purper groen lila groen mauve groen

2008-10-29 [arthemis_]: lol... now for a laptop including adobe program and tablet...

Tonight (?)

:D But I will make it to the deadline! :nod:

2008-11-02 [Iske]: love the stars [Lady Ice]

2008-11-02 [Aradon Templar]: Does it have to be both green and purple, or does just one work?

2008-11-02 [Mom]: Both...

2008-11-02 [arthemis_]: Finished, though some details are lost with the shrinking.

2008-11-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Both, please. :3

2008-11-03 [arthemis_]: The original is like 2000px :P

2008-11-03 [Trina..]: Definetly entering again.. but with a much better entry. lol

2008-11-07 [Jitter]: I know... Shrinking sucks :( I work at 5000x7000 most of the times so when it's going to 1000px wide it's like it;s been bombed :(

2008-11-07 [arthemis_]: It sucks, but it works better with 2000 px if you want to print it :p

2008-11-08 [Jitter]: Yeah.. and 7000 if you want a poster made of it :P

2008-11-08 [Iske]: wow Moira those are cool

2008-11-08 [moira hawthorne]: thx u... flowers or anything of nature are always awesome as the goddess is the true artist! when a person takes a photograph of that the artistry is in capturing and saving that perfect vision

2008-11-16 [Iske]: [Kahri]I love that one..

2008-11-16 [Kahri]: Thanks!

2008-11-16 [Kuramasgirl]: Lovely job, everyone. :3

2008-11-17 [SlightlySpiked]: yay!!! purple and green!!!!!!

2008-11-20 [SlightlySpiked]: hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2008-11-21 [Anvikit]: whee purple and green.. surprisingly I have a purple and green bird that I made shortly after and befor this subject was made.. although once I \painted the background he no longer looked right

I donno if I';ll be able to enter or not I ahve a very pink project to complete by the same timne

2008-11-21 [Kuramasgirl]: Aw, darn, and we've already had our pink contest...Ah well. Whatever you get done, you get done. :) If you don't make it in this one, I hope to see your work in the next one, anyway!

2008-11-21 [Kuramasgirl]: Ohh! That's great. :D I wish you the best of luck.

2008-11-21 [Anvikit]: Thanks :D

2008-11-26 [Kuramasgirl]: Soooo...I'm a little worried at the lack of entries. We normally have quite a bit more than this. Do I need to extend the deadline, or are you all going to amaze me with some flash flood of entries before the 27th? Please be reminded that today is the 25th. That gives us two days. I should have the badges up in that time, since I'm on Thanksgiving break now, but...I'd still like some more entries. :\

2008-11-26 [arthemis_]: I would make my second entry if my comp wasn't broken :( I have no imaging software anymore :( Only a crap version of paint on this thing, it isn't even paint... like downsized version of paint... *wails*

2008-11-26 [Kuramasgirl]: Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :\
If there aren't any more entries by tomorrow, I'm extending the deadline until sometime in December.

2008-11-26 [moira hawthorne]: sounds like alot of people may be busy with school... maybe at break they will get more done

2008-11-26 [Kuramasgirl]: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I mean, I'm just now getting the chance to draw something for the badges...

2008-11-28 [SlightlySpiked]: i would make an entry but i have no scanner and i cant run paint very good. im on a base that focuses on computers and theres not even a scanner!!!!!! waaaaaaaaa<img:44166_1164145087.gif><img:stuff/cr-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood7-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood7-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood13-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif> yes, im bein all emo about it. lol

2008-11-29 [Kuramasgirl]: Deadline Extended to December 13th.

2008-11-29 [Kuramasgirl]: Aw crap I just realized I forgot to put the actual words, "Purple and Green" on the badges. *bangs head against desk repeatedly*

2008-11-29 [SlightlySpiked]: dont even worry about it kura, uve bin under so much stress, i would hav prolly 4got 2 make tha badges completely. lol we all forget stuff, were all human

2008-11-29 [Jitter]: WOW Zab :o

2008-11-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you Spiked, that's so kind of you. :) I have been pretty stressed, so thanks for understanding.

2008-12-04 [JaeMarix]: Green & Purple just so happen to be my upmost favorite colors! ^.^ Will have to submit photos of some sorts to this, i know not how to draw ~.~ lol

2008-12-05 [SlightlySpiked]: ur welcome^^ i know how it iz 2 b under a lot of stress. im sure we all do. so have you decided on tha next color/colors yet?

2008-12-05 [Kuramasgirl]: I was thinking garnet, maybe. Not sure yet, though.

2008-12-05 [Lady Ice]: we just did russet a few times ago, thats pretty close to garnet

2008-12-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Yeah, you're right. >_> Which is why I wasn't sure about that one. Let's see...What color isn't remotely related to any of the colors we did recently...

2008-12-05 [JaeMarix]: Hmm.. is teal near the same as turqouise too?

2008-12-05 [moira hawthorne]: no but in the teal contest alot of people thought so from their entries

2008-12-05 [JaeMarix]: Ah, ok.. There is always magenta..

2008-12-05 [SlightlySpiked]: crimson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-12-07 [Kuramasgirl]: xD Magenta...Very different, anyway...Not my favorite color, but it is pretty different from what we've done.

2008-12-09 [SlightlySpiked]: yea that iz difrent

2008-12-09 [Anvikit]: I'm still down for brown :) .. I think it's like the only gradeschool color that hasn't been done..

2008-12-09 [Kuramasgirl]: It's a bit soon after russet to do brown...

2008-12-09 [moira hawthorne]: how about chocolate... it makes brown sound so much better

2008-12-09 [Anvikit]: But it might sway entries to be more sweet.. and less like crap.. ;)

2008-12-09 [Zab]: :O you're saying my entry is crap!!!1111+

2008-12-09 [Anvikit]: Of course not :D Brown is a complex color.. Enciting sweet cravings, or utter disgust.. If you call it Chocolate.. I'd expect more sweetness.. and much less.. bitterness.. Funny how a name can alter ones perception .. :D ... And I have a ton of brown fur and felts chillin around here hehe

2008-12-09 [Anvikit]: Is there a past contest archive somewhere that I am missing?

2008-12-09 [Kuramasgirl]: There is. It's right up at the top of the page, under the rules. It's just a list of colors, no links or anything.

2008-12-09 [Anvikit]: I meant of the entries, not just the colors.. I tried to click on them to no avail.. Ooooo.. I forgot about the past versions deal.. it might take a bit to find them all .. but I guess I can go digging.. :)

2008-12-09 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, You can if you want.

2008-12-09 [moira hawthorne]: 12. [BinaryPhoenix] Nature's little secrets... oooooooooooooooooooooo pretty!

2008-12-09 [SlightlySpiked]: im hungry

2008-12-10 [Kuramasgirl]: Very nice entry, Panthera. :)

2008-12-10 [BinaryPhoenix]: Thank you!

2008-12-11 [SlightlySpiked]: *scratches head* <img:stuff/mood17-gif.gif>

2008-12-13 [Kuramasgirl]: Tomorrow's the last day for entries. Though not many more people entered...This is a bit better, at least. :) Hopefully I'll be able to pop on to close up the contest towards the end of the day, though there's a good possibility I won't get to it until Sunday. I've got caroling on horse-back tomorrow. :o

2008-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooooooooo have fun... anything with horses is right up there in my books! i so miss riding!

2008-12-14 [Kuramasgirl]: I had..An interesting time. xD I'll say that much, anyway. It was a bit on the crazy side.

2008-12-14 [moira hawthorne]: as long as no one got seriously hurt!

2008-12-15 [Kuramasgirl]: No, no one got hurt, miraculously enough. >_>; I thought I would be at a few points, but things turned out alright in the end. I stayed on, anyway. xD I guess that's what matters.

2008-12-15 [moira hawthorne]: sounds like it was an experience!

2008-12-15 [Kuramasgirl]: It was, yes. xD One I'll never forget, anyway.

2009-01-01 [Zab]: Wheeee! ^___^ I won!

2009-01-01 [Triola]: Well deserved too :)

2009-01-01 [moira hawthorne]: congrats to the winners1 both are lovely

2009-01-01 [Zab]: :)

2009-01-03 [Kuramasgirl]: I wonder if I could find a list of all the colors used by Crayola...

2009-01-03 [Kuramasgirl]: Jitter, you're amazing. xD

2009-01-04 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*... what's everyone's favorite color?!

2009-01-04 [arthemis_]: My favorite color is Pink, then Red.

2009-01-04 [Jitter]: Purple
Glad I could be of assistance Kura :)

2009-01-04 [moira hawthorne]:

my opinion is that the correct hex colour code name charts would be more useful... as they are less subjective

2009-01-04 [Jitter]: Kura wanted the crayola ones though.

2009-01-04 [Jitter]: let's go golden next theme :D I'd like to paint something golden :3

2009-01-04 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you for the other charts, moira. They're useful too. I was just looking at Crayola because I remembered them having crazy names and thought it might be fun. xD

I think gold would be a very good next color. If I remember correctly, we've been talking about doing gold for a while now...

2009-01-05 [Jitter]: Or Atomic Tangerine xD

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